2020 Give Us A Damn
Woman President
Welcome to 2020 and a BRAND NEW DECADE! It’s been quite the wild ride these last 10 years. We had Obama. We had (//have) Trump. And we still have RBG. We’ve been thinking a lot about what 2020 means - on a personal and political level. And clearly, we’re not alone. We asked many of you to share with us what you want out of 2020. And you didn’t disappoint - you have big hopes for 2020, for our political future, for digital habits, for relationships (especially with yourself), and for new ambitions.
We understand that many of us are weary of what can sometimes seem the false importance of the new year. At its best, it can be a time to reflect, correct-course, dream, and hope. At its worst, we set unrealistic, unhealthy expectations. Recognizing this, here at honeybee, we’re choosing to embrace the best of it. To take this time to check in with ourselves and our community, to think intentionally about ourselves and the world. But this isn’t just about beginnings. It’s also about seeing things through.
As Joan Didion wrote, “It is easy to see the beginnings of things, it is harder to see the ends.” So while we dedicate this issue to the beginnings, we want to be here through the ends. Whether that’s the results of the 2020 presidential election, building a better political system, finishing that book, or checking in with that friend. It all matters. It’s all important. It’s life.
Beth, Clare & Danielle*
*This is a PSA to please hold Danielle accountable to FINALLY take the LSAT. Please and thank u.
To do something risky/unexpected of myself. I want to feel different in 2020, and continuously doing the "safe thing" won't get me there.
- Natalie
Take more action to make changes I think about constantly (health, money, dudes, career)
- Jackie
I want a woman president in 2020, because that’s what I’ll always want—and I’m tired of waiting for the revolution. I want big, bold social change now more than ever. I do not want to meet anyone in the middle. I want our art to be outrageous and I want our politics to be uncompromising. I want us to build new systems, and smash the old ones.
- Carmen
I want RBG to live.
- Danielle
I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say I want Trump gone. Yes, it's a very obvious answer. Even though I'm not a citizen, he's been a royal pain and a buffoon for 4 long years, and as an immigrant, I too have felt the ripple effects of his presidency on my life and future.
- Asligul
I want the momentum I saw in the run up to the UK election to keep going into next year; I want the sad result to not dissuade us, but band us together.
- Priya
I want (need?) the entire world to understand that we are killing our planet and want everyone to start making more conscious choices in how we spend our time and our money - Mother Earth fucking deserves it, the lady has literally brought us to life, could we just pay her back?!
- Maria
In 2020, I’m hoping to have a better work-life balance. I feel so fortunate to create art for a living, but want to do a better job of having separation between when I’m working and not working.
- Hana
A calmer and more civil political arena. Increased confidence in the Democratic candidates and their ability to defeat Trump.
- Alex
I'd love for us to get back to humanity. Be reasonable again. Stop taking sides and do what is best for the country, not just the political career. In regards to politics, I want the obvious - to get rid of Trump in 2020. I want to see nuclear energy put into action and climate change to be at the top of politicians' agendas. For the world, I would like to see one without Donald Trump in the White House, and people taking matters into our own hands to bring about the change we would like to see, especially climate change and racial inequality.
- Micha
“I want a woman president in 2020, because that’s what I’ll always want — and I’m tired of waiting for the revolution.”
- Carmen
Being far more open minded about what's possible for me. I've spent a lot of time aiming for a "specific goal", so 2020 will be widening my horizons and getting past my ego to see what other possible career/life pivots there are.
- Natalie
Spend more of my time doing and less scrolling. Try new things. Ground myself in remembering how fortunate I am and worry less about what has happened yet (eg inevitable doom).
- Jackie
I want to finish writing my shorts trilogy and produce and direct at least one of them. I want to earn my living as a writer. I want to get a manager. Ultimately, I want to build a portfolio worthy of an O-1 visa. Along the way, I want to feel freer to travel so I can see family and friends more often.
- Asligul
I want to learn how to prioritise my time better and plan ahead more. I want to try a couple new things, and get really good at them. I want to pass my driving test!
- Priya
Reducing use of plastic, taking shorter showers, boycotting fast fashion, only buying second hand, reducing use of plane, eating less/no meat - you got the theme here. I just want to make it a habit to think of the planet before making any decisions, and I want to raise my daughter a good planet earth citizen.
- Maria
I want to work on being more honest with myself, and what I want out of this life. And ugh, I also “want” to take the LSAT.
- Danielle
Every year, my intention is to practice gratitude. I think it’s easy to take for granted the small things like having food to eat and a roof over our heads. Practicing gratitude always allows me to re-focus on what’s most important in life. Another intention is to put down the phone. While I generally do a pretty good job of this, I can always do better.
- Hana
My intention is to better manage stress, reduce how much I contrast and compare to others and try to live in the moment as much as possible. I’d also like to consume and interact with art more regularly and continue to practice my French and Italian.
- Alex
I'd like to make starting a family a priority. After two miscarriages it's easier said than done. I might need to take a step back from working so much to make this happen. We'll see.
- Anonymous
What I really, really want out of 2020 on a personal level is to break away from the non-stop news cycle and the production economy. Working in digital media has only become more and more of a work-life balance disaster in the age of Trump. In 2020, I want to focus on creating things with impact, things that light me up—and not just responding to what’s happening on Twitter. I want to slow down even when capitalism tells me that I need to keep up. (It all connects, though, y’know. Because once we have a lady president, Twitter will be fun again.)
- Carmen
I want to get back to being a better rounded person, and find more satisfaction in the little things along the journey (I tend to obsess over the big things and defer my happiness around achievements). I want to be more thoughtful and supportive of the people close to my heart, make time for them more and similarly, give the little things even when I can't give a lot like I would want to. I also want to become more active in the climate change movement.
- Micha
Listen more. Give away 5% of pre-tax income. Meditate once a day. Eat very little meat. Have better posture (AMEN).
- Brianna
Volunteer more design/professional hours to nonprofits. Spend less time on my phone. Eliminate as much single-use plastic from my daily routine as possible.
- Olivia
Be kinder to myself.
- Ana
Ultimately, I want to focus more on the process rather than the outcome of activities, and do things that I enjoy rather than only doing things that are 'productive' or for a specific purpose.
- Kellie